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曾经一次,水资源保护是干燥西方国家面临的问题;然而,现在是一种更广泛的挑战 - 无论与干旱或交付基础设施不足。随着生活绿色和对耗水量的更大敏感的努力,无处不在需求干燥的园林绿化策略。

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  • 这种植物丰富的作文包括红色的新西兰茶树,与非洲多肉植物和墨西哥贤人相结合。
  • This south facing slope features Cistus purpureus and other Mediterraneans with a generous mulch of wood chips.
  • 干旱抗旱性raphionepis和pittosporum hedges的组合提供了绿色的对比色调。
  • This very dry garden depends on species from southern Africa and Australia for its varied forms and colors.
  • Trees in the xeriscape garden are vital to protecting plants from hot afternoon sun in the summer.
  • The beauty of a xeriscape is the ability to combine fabulous plants from around the world that originate in similar climates.


术语Xeriscape.描述了一种需要小水的景观。它由来自北美的天然抗旱物种组成,以及世界各地的干气。在干燥的西方国家,这种风格也支持来自南非,中东和澳大利亚的外部。这些植物自然适应于与大多数西方当地人相同的长旱季,使其在花园里兼容。由于水的关注,许多西方房主正在转向lawn-free landscapes

Xeriscape Plant List


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在东部,更具挑战性,因为用节水技术栽培的花园it is too cold and moist for these dry climate species to survive there. Regular summer rainfall also precludes most Mediterranean species that compose the large percentage of the western plant palette. The strategy here is to utilize native plants that are already perfectly adapted to thrive on local rainfall. Once established, these ask for no extra water in summer or much care in winter because they have evolved to adapt locally. Other American natives, plus a few exotic species from other cold humid regions of the world, may do equally well here.


  • Pro Tip:在西边,秋天是安装Xeriscape的最佳时机,而植物则是休眠。这允许所有冬季和春天在夏季热量和干旱到达之前建立。



But more often, the drip system remains in place and is used to ensure the plant is sufficiently hydrated not just to survive, but to look good and bloom abundantly in your landscape. This is vital to those species which choose the driest time of year to become dormant, which is summer and fall in the West. Some become deciduous when summer dormant, while others partly so. With irrigation, the deciduous species may retain enough foliage to remain attractive during these seasons.


All this deep rooting is found in most western natives, particularly those from California. These species are often found on hillsides, cliff faces, and in sandy gravelly ground along dry washes. They have evolved to root very deeply to reach moisture during the dry season. If planted in heavy clay, this rooting may be stunted and the soil may not be able to absorb enough water to support plants. Therefore, the plant may fail to reach its optimal level of drought resistance. Proper soil conditions are important with xeriscapes because of the preferences of the plants adapted to drought.

4. Mulch

A mulch is simply an organic or mineral material spread on top of the ground to make conditions more amenable for plants. Mulches help prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the soil and shade the soil so it doesn't heat up so much in the summer. It is also vital for preventing weed growth that can compete with landscape plants for limited water.

Mulch availability is different in each region with the most cost-effective choices originating close by. For example, the southwest has always relied on naturalistic fine gravels. In the Pacific Northwest, forest industry byproducts such as wood chips and ground bark are cost effective. In the south, pine needle mulch is standard.

Xeriscape Style Guide

Use this design sheet to help you create the perfect xeriscape landscape. You'll get ideas for color, décor, materials, plants and fabric. It is a great starting point for any water-wise landscaping project.

Xeriscape Style Guide(PDF)

View all景观设计风格指南



For anyone contemplating a xeriscape, researching local native species used for landscaping, plus the array of imported species from dry climates around the world, is key to your success. There is no better way to make your home environmentally green and create a model landscape for water conservation.


